
Wednesday 25 May 2011

La Principessa Schiava - Jacqueline Pascarl

Saya ternampak buku ini, La Principessa Schiava di sebuah kedai buku semasa berada di Stesen Santa Maria Novella, Florence. Harganya Euro20.00. Saya tidak membelinya kerana saya tidak faham bahasa Itali. Ketika itu saya mengagak tajuk bahasa Inggerisnya Once I Was A Princess, mengenai perebutan hak penjagaan anak seperti yang diketahui umum. Buku ini telah diterjemah dalam pelbagai bahasa. Saya ingin sekali memiliki buku ini kerana saya ingin mengetahui cerita kedua belah pihak, iaitu Jacqueline dan bekas suaminya. Kesinambungan buku ini ialah Since I Was A Princess.

I guessed the title La Principessa Schiava must be Once I Was A Princess written by Jacqueline Pascarl, although the direct translation is The Princess Slave. I saw this book at the book shop at Santa Maria Novella Station, Florence and the price is Euro20.00. This book is about a mother's grief over her son and a daughter who were taken by their father (her ex-husband). I wish to have this book since I want to know the real story from both parties, Jacqueline herself and her ex-husband. This book is translanted into so many languages and the sequel is Since I Was A Princess.

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